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Pig in the Python; Chiropractic Geriatrics

Total Credits: 1 Regular

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Continuing Education |  NCMIC Credits |  Geriatrics
Karen Konarski-Hart
55 Minutes
Audio and Video


There is a shortage of healthcare personnel at all levels and patients are waiting weeks or months for appointments.  Many DCs are already answering questions from Medicare patients beyond “subluxation” concerns.  Any increase in Medicare coverage for Chiropractic Physicians, even for examinations, is likely to open a floodgate of new patients.   Are YOU ready?

This course is to…

-Point out some of the potential weaknesses in our present education, scope and personal practice relative to elder patients.

-Recommend how we as Chiropractic Physicians might become more pro-active in anticipation of expanded Medicare coverage.

-Provide resources for increasing involvement with an aging population.

Recognizing every practice is unique, hopefully this course will encourage you to explore what expanded Medicare coverage, and the patient population it brings, might offer you. 

Perhaps you will consider continuing education, review of your forms and exams, training for staff, remodeling to increase accessibility or purchasing new equipment.

By starting to incorporate aspects of the recommended  history & exam of geriatric patients, as well as exercise, nutrition and prevention counseling, your transition to full coverage may be smoother. 

At the least, this may be a good opportunity for forming referral networks and updating past interprofessional relationships.

In our “flight” of topics

We will explore some of the assessments & screening tools that will be expected.

We will discuss how to communicate with patients and the barriers they face to seeking healthcare.

We will detail examination, documentation and treatment for falls prevention, a subject  chiropractic physicians should own.

Finally, we will note the comorbidities, lab tests commonly used for their diagnosis and some diseases that masquerade as primary musculoskeletal disorders including pharmaceutical toxicity.

Karen Konarski-Hart is a Chiropractic Physician in private practice in Little Rock AR for over 40 years.  She is an EMT and holds a Masters degree in Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Management.  

She has served on the AR state board of health (the only DC to serve as president), has served on CCE and as delegate and eventually VP of the ACA.   

She now serves on the ACA’s Committee on Equity Diversity and Inclusion as advocate for the aging and disabled populations and sits on the Advisory Council for University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

This course counts towards your NCMIC Credits.


Karen Konarski-Hart's Profile

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Konarski Clinic

Witnessing an emergency and being unable to respond is heartbreaking. If the lack of response is due to a doctor's lack of confidence of his or her skills, it is a tragedy. Luckily, doctors can refresh their training and update their education by attending Dr. Karen Konarski-Hart's program. She presents an energy-packed seminar on DC community involvement and cross training, urging doctors of chiropractic to volunteer in their communities—especially with disaster response.

Doctors leave this program with straightforward tips on how to get involved and how to work seamlessly with all disciplines. This course covers the skills recommended in the American Chiropractic Association's resolution on chiropractic emergency service. It is also customized to the needs and interests of the attendees and to the probable situations in the state or region of those attendees. Information gained is applicable both to personal home emergencies and team participation in disasters.

Dr. Konarski-Hart earned diplomate status in chiropractic orthopedics from Parker College of Chiropractic, a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the National College of Chiropractic, and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan. She holds a Master’s Degree in Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management from Arkansas State University. She has practiced since 1979 in Little Rock, Ark., was a governor's appointee to the Arkansas Board of Health and served as its president. She has served on the Arkansas Bioterrorism Advisory Committee, is a physician on the Arkansas Emergency Medical Service Training Committee and is a leader of the Pulaski County Medical Reserve Corps.